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Want a Healthy Heart? Start with a Healthy Smile

February 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 5:21 pm
man smiling and holding his hands in the shape of a heart

At your dental appointment, you’re not surprised to get X-rays taken of your teeth, but when the dental assistant whips out a blood pressure cuff, you’re surprised. What does your blood pressure have to do with your oral health? Why would your dentist be concerned about your heart?

The truth is that your dentist cares about your overall well-being, not just your teeth. Plus, believe it or not, your oral health can impact your heart, and taking your blood pressure can allow your dentist to identify potentially serious conditions. Keep reading to learn more about how your dentist can help you take care of your heart.


Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt? Here’s What You Should Know

January 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 8:48 pm
woman smiling after visiting cosmetic dentist in Naples

You’re looking to have your dream smile, or maybe you just want to fix some minor issues with your teeth, and you’ve discovered cosmetic dentistry. The results are certainly promising, but you wonder: will cosmetic dentistry hurt? Your cosmetic dentist in Naples is here to tell you why you don’t have to worry and what you can do after the procedure to feel your best.


6 Amazing Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

November 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 5:38 pm

Woman pointing to her smile after getting veneersHow often do you hide your teeth when talking, smiling, or taking a picture because you’re embarrassed by the way they look? You don’t have to live with the weight of a less-than-perfect smile. Porcelain veneers are a popular, cost-effective elective procedure that can completely revamp your smile. You can enjoy the full benefits of porcelain veneers after just a couple of appointments. Here’s why veneers continue to rank among the top cosmetic procedures year after year.


Can an Untreated Tooth Infection Kill You?

September 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 1:40 pm
man holding cheek in pain from tooth infection

According to The Global Burden of Disease Study 2017, tooth decay is the most common oral health condition. Even if you’ve never had a toothache before, we all know that tooth decay is bad for you. Though cavities are easy to fix if they’re caught early on, underestimating them or leaving them untreated can lead to a potentially deadly tooth infection. Luckily, prevention is simple enough with a good oral health routine.


3 Most Common Dental Emergencies Among Athletes

August 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 4:59 pm
male athlete playing soccer

Did you know that almost half of all dental injuries are sports-related? Athletes are among the most at-risk group of people for dental emergencies. Studies show that about ten percent of players will end up with a dental or facial injury in any given athletic season. Although it used to be considered a rite of passage, people are now more aware of the serious long-term health issues that can arise from oral injuries. Here are the three most common oral injuries among athletes and what you can do to protect your smile.


Will Dental Implants Set Off Metal Detectors? Ask a Dentist

July 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 7:08 pm

When it comes to stressful or unpleasant situations, there’s no question that going through airport security is near the top of the list. And if you happen to have dental implants, you may find yourself with the additional stress of wondering, “Will dental implants set off metal detectors?” The good news is that the chance of your implants being detected is fairly low, and most people who have them pass through security without issue. Keep reading below to find out how metal detectors work and three reasons that could explain why dental implants are rarely a problem!


Is Charcoal Teeth Whitening Safe?

June 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 1:36 am

Woman trying teeth whitening with charcoalYou’ve likely watched a few videos about teeth whitening with charcoal. You might be amazed at the before and after results you’ve seen spread across social media. Although it appears to be the ideal DIY method to resolve stains and discoloration at home, is charcoal bad for your teeth? It may not be as safe as you’ve been led to believe. Here’s what you need to know about the risks of combating tooth discoloration using charcoal.


How Can I Fix Small Teeth?

May 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 10:26 pm

Small teeth treated with veneersSeveral factors contribute to an attractive smile, like the color, size, and shape of your teeth. They should be proportionately sized; however, it’s not uncommon for teeth to appear short or stubby. A gummy smile can be caused by several issues, like excessive enamel wear, genetics, or extra gingival tissue. If you have small teeth, you don’t need to feel insecure about your smile any longer. Your cosmetic dentist can increase their size using a personalized plan. Here are 3 of the most common elective procedures that can give you a big, beautiful smile you’ll be proud to show off.


Does Getting Dental Implants Hurt? Here’s What to Expect!

April 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 6:47 pm
Older woman smiling in the dental chair after her dental implant surgery

If you’re researching options for tooth replacement, there’s no way you haven’t heard about dental implants. Over 500,000 people choose this life-changing treatment each year because of their amazingly unique benefits. However, you may learn that surgery is required and get a little nervous about the potential treatment. No worries – you’re probably among many who are wondering, “Does it hurt to get dental implants?” Read on to find out!


Can Dental Implants Save You Money in the Long Run?

February 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 1:37 pm

woman happy with dental implant cost in NaplesWhen it comes to replacing your missing teeth, you have a few options to choose from. Many people have become aware of the possibility of having dental implants placed, but they’re hesitant because of the cost range. While the initial investment may seem a bit challenging to some, it turns out that the dental implant cost in Naples pays off majorly down the road. Continue reading to find out how!


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