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Straight Smiles: Can Veneers Realign My Teeth?

December 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 10:08 pm
Dentist in blue gloves placing veneers on woman's teeth

Did you know that people with dental problems are more likely to feel depressed, anxious, or avoid spending time with others? One of the first things people notice about you is the quality of your smile, and if yours is crooked or overcrowded, you might worry about being judged for the way you look.  

You may already know that your dentist can enhance your appearance and boost your confidence with porcelain veneers. However, it’s natural to question whether this treatment can give you a straighter grin. Continue reading to learn more about it!


Why Does Your Dental Implant Feel Sensitive?

October 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 4:12 pm
A woman seeing her dentist for her sensitive dental implant

If you get dental implants, rest assured that they have plenty of perks. Dentistry views them as the gold standard of tooth replacement for good reason! Still, keep in mind that your dental implant may feel sensitive at some point. You should take this problem seriously and get dental care if it occurs. As for the reasons, your Naples dentist is here to lay them out. Read on to learn the causes of sensitive dental implants and why they deserve dental attention!


Don’t Know What CEREC Crowns Are? These 3 Facts Will Break the Ice

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 8:46 pm
Dentist and patient looking over CEREC image-capture

“What in the world is a CEREC?” You might be wondering. It’s a fair question – CEREC machines are a relatively new dental innovation. In short, CEREC’s full name is “chairside restoration of esthetic ceramics”, and its day-job is to design and mill dental crowns in one day. But that just scratches the surface of this advanced technology! If you’d like to get to know CEREC crowns better, keep reading. These three facts will help break the ice.


An Ounce of Prevention: Understanding Oral Cancer

June 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 4:44 pm
A woman giving the thumbs up sign in a dental chair

Each year, an estimated 53,000 Americans are diagnosed with some form of oral cancer. While it is not as common as other cancers, it is considered one of the deadliest forms. It can also be hard to detect on your own, highlighting the importance of regular screenings by your dentist. Here’s some important information about this disease, and how you can help reduce your risk and identify potential warning signs.


Can You Drink Coffee with Veneers?

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 8:01 pm

Steaming coffee cup on a bookVeneers can give you a picture-perfect smile that can last for a decade or longer with the correct care, like brushing and flossing. They can correct many issues at once, like stains, chips, and gaps. Veneers are a big investment, and you don’t want anything compromising your results, like your morning cup of coffee. You don’t have to give up coffee if you have veneers, but there are a few things you should know to keep your new smile at its brightest.


Dental Implants Through the Ages: A Timeline of Innovation

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 2:39 pm
Mother and daughter looking at ancient dental implants

Dental implants are one of the most valuable and innovative treatments available. However, they weren’t always the refined and sensitive procedures that you know today. For all their innovation, dental implants were invented a long time ago! But how long ago? And how did modern dental implant techniques evolve over time? Read on to find out.


What to Do If You Have a Loose Dental Implant

December 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 3:44 am
person with loose dental implant having it fixed by dentist

Dental implants stand as enduring restorations with a remarkable success rate, capable of lasting a lifetime when provided with proper care. Despite boasting an impressive 95% success rate, unforeseen challenges can surface, and one such issue is a loose implant. Recognizing the causes behind a loose dental implant becomes crucial, offering individuals the empowerment to take proactive measures. Read on as we delve into the potential reasons behind a loose implant and offer insights into the necessary steps to promptly resolve the issue.


How To Keep Your Smile Shining Bright This Thanksgiving

November 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 9:00 am
Picture of a turkey

When Thanksgiving comes around, it can be tempting to throw away your inhibitions and completely indulge in anything that comes your way. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying yourself every once in a while, it’s also a good idea to know what you’re getting yourself into.

For example, it’s common for foods to crop up around Thanksgiving that can discolor your teeth, especially if you aren’t careful.  Here are a few examples, and what you can do about that.


Chews Wisely: Foods You Should Avoid If You Wear Dentures

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 10:17 pm
An older man smiling with his dentures

Dentures are an invaluable restorative solution for giving back complete smiles and functional bites. While they offer numerous benefits, including improved aesthetics and speech, dentures also come with some unwritten dietary restrictions. Avoiding these when you first start wearing dentures will help you improve your quality of life early on.

If you want to see which foods you may want to avoid once you’ve committed to dentures, continue reading.


Do Dentures Affect Nutrition?

August 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — galleriateam @ 7:32 pm

Upper and lower full denturesEvery tooth is important for a healthy functional smile. Unfortunately, 40 million Americans don’t have any teeth left. Dentures are the go-to solution to replace lost teeth. Although they are effective, they can affect your nutrition if they don’t fit well. Here is what you need to know to ensure you’re getting enough nutrients.


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